Getting a web host is simply choosing a web host and signing up for a web hosting account with the web hosting provider.
Choosing a web host or a web hosting provider may not be easy but signing up for a web hosting account is as simple as registering a domain name. Despite the simplicity of signing up for a web hosting account, I decided to give you an idea on how to do it as a follow up to my blog entry on how to register a domain name.
These two topics, registering a domain name and getting a web host, are very important. You cannot set up a Website without a domain name. You cannot set up a Website without a web host, whether paid-hosted site or free-hosted site.
I will be using DreamHost as the web hosting provider in this example. I am therefore disclosing here right away that if you decide to open a web hosting account with DreamHost using my referral link, I will earn from it as I am an affiliate of DreamHost.
It is not only because I am an affiliate of DreamHost but because I have also been its customer for three (3) years now. I find its features enough for my Website needs and its control panel is easy to use. For one thing, DreamHost offers a free trial.
How to Sign Up for a Web Hosting Account with DreamHost
Prepare your credit card in case you need it.
Proceed to DreamHost.
Click the button “Sign Up NOW”.
You will be redirected to the “Signup, Start your Free Trial!” page.
1. Supply the necessary details at the blank fields at the “Signup, Start your Free Trial!” page.
Email, Confirm Email, Password, Confirm Password
Remember the email address and password very well. Write them down.
Click the button “Continue”.
You will be redirected to the “Signup, Pick a domain…” page.
You have two options with notes below.
2. Choose either of the two options at the “Signup, Pick a domain…” page.
Register a new .com/net/org/info domain for me.
Note: The domain name is free with a hosting plan after free trial period.
You will be charged today to secure the Domain Registration during the free trial.
Following the free trial, the charge will be applied to the hosting cost, making the registration free.
The domain name will remain yours if you decide to close your hosting plan.
I already have a domain, please provide me with the information I’ll need to transfer it.
Note: You can still register a free domain later or use this option to add a free subdomain.
If you choose to register a new domain name, supply the domain name at the provided Domain field.
If you already have a domain name, supply the domain name at the provided Domain field.
If you choose to try a DreamHost subdomain name, supply the subdomain at the provided field like “” without the quotes. Replace “subdomain” with your own name or whatever word you would like to use as a subdomain name.
Click the button “Continue”.
You will be redirected to the “Sign up, Pick a plan…” page.
You have three options with “Free Trial Offer Details” notice below.
3. Choose any of the three free trial offers at the “Sign up, Pick a plan…” page.
You can choose a one (1) month plan, one (1) year plan or two (2) years plan. It gets cheaper the longer the period you choose.
Free Trial Offer Details
Your free trial of DreamHost membership will begin when you complete the signup process. If you cancel anytime during your free trial, you will not be charged. To cancel online, simply visit the “Manage Account” section of DreamHost control panel and click the “close this account” link.
If you are enjoying your time with DreamHost, do nothing and your membership will automatically continue at the normal subscription rate for the payment period you select here.
The free trial is for first-time customers only.
Click the button “Continue”.
You will be redirected to the “Sign up, Account Contact Info” page.
4. Supply the necessary details at the blank fields at the “Sign up, Account Contact Info” page.
First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country, Phone
Click the button “Continue”.
You will be redirected to the “Sign up, Just a little more…” page.
5. Supply the necessary details at the blank fields at the “Sign up, Just a little more…” page.
Pick First Server Username, In what city were you born, How did you first hear about us (optional), Promotional code or email address that referred you (optional)
Do not forget to check the box with the text “I agree to abide by DreamHost’s Terms of Service and Anti-Spam Policy. I also accept the terms of the domain registration agreement. I am also…”.
Click the button “Continue”.
You will be redirected to the “Sign up, Payment Info” page.
6. Supply the necessary details at the blank fields at the “Sign up, Payment Info” page.
Card number, Expiration Date
You will not be billed until your free trial ends. Cancel online anytime.
With the very important notes:
Cancel anytime – really!
For your convenience, we take your payment information so that your membership will not be interrupted after your free trial ends and to serve as security for any domains you may register. If you cancel prior to the end of your free trial, simply pay for the domains you’ve registered (if any) and you will not be charged for anything else.
Once your free trial period has expired, you are authorizing us to automatically charge you for your membership at the price of the hosting plan you have chosen.
You may change your card information or cancel your charge authorization anytime by visiting the “Billing” section of your DreamHost control panel. To cancel online, simply visit the “Manage Account” section of the DreamHost control panel and click the “close this account” link.
We accept all major credit cards, along with ATM or debit cards that have a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express logo.
Your card information is safe. We use SSL encryption technology to secure our transactions. We value your privacy. Please see our privacy policy for details.
Click the button “Continue”.
You will be redirected to the “Sign up, Almost Done…” page.
7. Click the button “Continue” at the “Sign up, Almost Done…” page.
You will be redirected to the “Sign up, Would you like to add a private server?” page.
Do not check anything, you can do that later.
8. Click the button “Continue” at the “Sign up, Would you like to add a private server?” page.
You will be redirected to the “Sign up, Would you like to add…” page.
Unique IP Address, Premium Phone Support, VPN Access, Gmail and Google Apps
Do not check anything, you can do that later.
But you can check “Gmail and Google Apps” if you like to run Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Docs all @yourdomain. Your email will be hosted with Gmail. These applications are for free.
9. Click the button “Continue” at the “Sign up, Would you like to add…” page.
You will be redirected to the “Sign up, Welcome to DreamHost” page.
With the notes below:
Your free trial will begin as soon as your account is approved! We will send you an email with your FTP/shell password when this happens.
In the meantime, please continue to the to further configure your account.
Thank you for choosing DreamHost!
You are not finished yet.
10. Click the button “Continue to our web panel” at the “Sign up, Welcome to DreamHost” page.
You will be redirected to the “DreamHost Login” page.
11. Log in by supplying the necessary details that you used when you signed up at the Login page.
Email Address or Web ID, Web Panel Password
Click the button “Log In”.
Once you are inside the DreamHost Control Panel, you will see “Welcome to your DreamHost Control Panel!” with some notes.
You will also see “Approval Call”.
“You’re almost done! Below is a 4-digit confirmation pin. Click on the button below and we’ll call you asking for the 4-digit pin. All you have to do is enter it and your account will be approved!”
12. Click the button “Call Me!” and you are done.
Wait for the call and that’s it.
After the call and if your account has been approved, you can start exploring the control panel and set up your Website.
Well then, sign up for a web hosting account now with DreamHost. It is so easy!