Blog? What then is a blog?

A blog is also a website and a sort of an online journal or online diary where you can write and express your thoughts. You can write your personal experiences, stories and opinions, even your ramblings and rantings, that is if you like people to know about it. You can write news, reviews, commentaries and recommendations too.

Blog is a shortcut of “weblog”. A “weblog” is a coined word of “web” and “log”. The writer or author is called a “blogger”. Writing or authoring a “blog” is called “blogging”. The articles written are called “blog posts”, “posts”, “blog entries” or entries”.

What I wrote is according to what I have read.

According to

Main Entry: blog
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log
Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
Etymology: shortened form of Weblog
Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n

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According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

A weblog, which is usually shortened to blog, is a website where regular entries are made (such as in a journal or diary) and presented in reverse chronological order. Blogs often offer commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although many focus on photographs, videos or audio.

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And this is what Alex King wrote about “Blog” which I found very informative.

If you would like to have a blog, you need to read more in Wikipedia on how blogs are made, on how to create and maintain a blog. You can use a blog software like WordPress, Blogger, and Live Journal among others.

Golf Update at

I am sort of regularly updating my personal blog, Simply Sofie Blog at these past few days despite my busy schedule. I think I will probably get the hang of it. Check out my personal blog and leave a note if you like.

Last night, I updated my blog and the Golf section of my personal website at Simply Sofie, added Source du Rhône Golf Club and Valley Golf & Country Club.

Source du Rhône Golf Club

Source du Rhône Golf Club Hole No. 4 Par 4, Web Contest Finalist

I updated the Official Website of the Municipality of Pandan, Antique, Philippines, several days ago. It was really exciting. is one of the 5 finalists at the “2005 LGU Website Contest”. I was like a kid giggling and jumping when I told the good news to my husband. You can read the news at

I installed a new guestbook and I even modified it so it will look like the other pages of I also reinstalled the web forum but a newer version. Even if I did a back-up of the database of the old one, I was not able to reconfigure it. I lost all the names of those who registered already, so it’s back to square one. I hope you’ll register again and let us make use of the web forum of the site.

I also installed a simple site search. When I say simple, it is really simple. If you view the search page of the you will be able to read my tips there. It’s not perfect but it could somehow help you. Try it out so you know how it functions. Just don’t search the words like bugang river, malumpati, municipality and the menu words because it will give you unnecessary results. As I see it, when you search malumpati, it seems like it’s also giving you the search result for municipality. That’s just one of the shortcomings of this simple site search.

Don’t worry, sooner or later, if the other pages have been indexed by either google, msn or yahoo, I will probably use their site search but for the meantime, this one will suffice.

Well, that’s all for now. Have a wonderful day!

I have been signing out with that phrase today. I guess, it reflects that I had a wonderful day today. I feel like singing and dancing just like when I told Hub that good news, but it’s already past midnight here so I’d better go to bed now. Tomorrow is another wonderful day and I’m looking forward to it! Ciao!!!


I already have two blogs, one with,, and the other one with,, but I know that I’m not going to get satisfied with those two blogs. The design with Blogger is nice because I was able to pattern it after my site but I don’t like the small banner on top of the page. The blog design with is ok with a lot of templates to choose from but I thought I will just be duplicating the other blog.

I opened those blog accounts out of curiousity. I just want to know how blog works with Blogger and Livejournal. Knowing that it’s actually fun, I opted to use WordPress instead, so I can have it with my own domain name. I just installed it and modified a template. Just a little bit of tinkering with the template, and I have what I wanted, a blog using my own domain name and no banner on top of the page.

But I’m not contented using a template done by someone else so I really created my own template patterned after my site. Since I already have the design, it’s not at all difficult to do it. … and Voila! This is then the result!

Have fun surfing and reading! Ciao!



This is it! It’s up and running. I’m launching the SEHDI.COM BLOG!

Have a nice day, people!