You probably landed on this page because you searched for “Sofie Estolloso & Company”. I especially wrote this blog entry for your information. I know that you are trying to inquire and verify if I designed the website of a certain fund company.
I actually wrote about it already before. Please read my blog entry, I did not design the website of a certain fund company!, for further information. But during that time, I did not mention the domain name or the name of the company which was supposed to be involved in this so-called investment program money making business.
I thought that this issue was over about less than 3 years ago, months after it was launched and then got exposed when I responded to the several queries of those people who contacted me. Then the real company legally redeemed the domain name from the domain squatter. But it seems like some of the contents of this old website were posted in several internet forum sites.
Since the domain name is now being redirected to the real company, I am mentioning the company name now which has nothing to do with the investment program. The ABB company has nothing to do with the money making business it used to have on the domain. The old content of the website is gone and ABB took the domain legally from the former owner.
In my case, I would like to declare that I have nothing to do with that investment program too. I am not at all connected with that company if there was any. I do not know those people behind that investment program.
With that declaration, I would like to repeat, I did not design the website of the old when it was used for the ABB FUND INVESTMENT PROGRAM – PAY-IT 4 PROFIT SYSTEM scheme to make money.
Well, that’s all, and I hope that this information will clarify everything around this investment program money making business.
For my other readers, please note that I wrote this blog entry to clarify some things regarding a website of an investment program which I did not design. Thank you for your understanding.