Upgraded to WordPress 2.8.3, Image Gallery Problem and Solution

I finally finished upgrading all the blogs and sites that I maintain, Sofie Estolloso Hofmann Designs International, Sofie Hofmann dot com, Pro Blog it | ProBlogging Venture Tips and Ideas, Reviews and Opinions, ISYU.INFO Around the World, Patria Diesel Power Plant Issue, Semirara Dumpsite Issue, Pandan Antique Philippines, Tugbong Festival, PAGTATAP Foundation, Philippine Seafarers Assistance Programme, and Weggis along Lake Lucerne Switzerland, from WordPress 2.8 to WordPress 2.8.3 Security Release. I skipped upgrading to WordPress 2.8.1 and WordPress 2.8.2 as I was on vacation when those WordPress versions were released.

I also upgraded the Leocadio Alonsagay Dioso Memorial Public Library from WordPress 2.6.5 to WordPress 2.8.3 Security Release skipping all the other versions which were released before WordPress 2.8.3. So far, I did not encounter any problem when I upgraded Dioso Library site despite skipping WordPress 2.7 and WordPress 2.8.

I encountered a problem though with some of the sites concerning the image gallery but was also able to solve it.

What exactly was the problem?

Well, with my other sites, the images did not appear because I have 2 or more subfolders under a subfolder under wp-content folder. This problem occurred without checking “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders” as I would like to have yearly subfolders only and without the monthly subfolders. I have uploaded several images in different years like 2008 and 2009, in separate subfolders under a subfolder under wp-content folder.

Example 1:

Then, with the other sites, I did not only have different years but made use of the feature where we can just check “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders”. Checking “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders” would mean the images would be in separate monthly subfolders as it created 2009 for year 2009 and different subfolders for different months, 01 for January, 02 for February, and so on. In this case, the images did not appear too.

Example 2:

As I see it, the problem has something to do with having 2 or more subfolders under wp-content folder or 2 or more subfolders under a subfolder of wp-content folder instead of 1 subfolder only. I have sites where I uploaded the images in 1 subfolder only and I have no problem with them.

Example 1:

Example 2:

What was the solution?

I just commented the particular codes which I already mentioned in my blog entry Solution to WordPress 2.7.1 Gallery Code Problem.

And that was it! Everything went back to normal again.

2 Comments to “Upgraded to WordPress 2.8.3, Image Gallery Problem and Solution”

  1. […] and Leocadio Alonsagay Dioso Memorial Public Library, all of them in just one day. Imagine I just upgraded to WordPress 2.8.3 from WordPress 2.8 last Monday, August 10, […]

  2. […] There is one thing though that I would like to share to you. If you have been following my blog every time I upgraded to a new released version of WordPress you probably knew about my problem with the Image Gallery feature of WordPress and how I found a solution to it. […]