I finished creating a new theme, a new fluid two-column WordPress theme for ISYU.INFO which went online on May 1, 2009. I actually had no intention to do it last month but ever since I finished the web designs for Semirara Dumpsite Issue and Patria Diesel Power Plant Issue, I just thought that I have to make use of the domain name isyu.info.
And so, ISYU.INFO Around the World was born. ISYU.INFO is a micro-blogging news site, and it could also be your daily news resource around the world. ISYU.INFO is a micro-blog where I write about just a few of the world news and issues that I have read on a daily basis.
I already did a fluid one-column WordPress theme for this micro-blog within just a day but eventually changed my mind and came up of this fluid two-column theme which I was able to finish within 3 days because of so much revisions from fluid one-column theme.
There is only one layout for this micro-blog, wherein the main content is on the left side and the sidebar is on the right side. The width is not fixed that is why this is a fluid two-column WordPress theme. But just like how I designed the other fluid WordPress themes, the width of this blog may not be fixed but it was also limited to 900px so as not to expand the content if the screen resolution of the browser is bigger than 1440×900.
As usual, this site using a fluid two-column theme was tested at Safari 3, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Opera 8.5, Opera 9.2, Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7 with screen resolutions like 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×1024 and even bigger than 1280×1024.