Revised WordPress Theme for

I finished revising the WordPress Theme for I did not change the web design of the site except the position of the images on other pages other than the one at the front page and the location page. Internally though, I changed a lot in the scripts.

I finally got rid of the tables containing the menu and the images at the top of the site. I transferred the text to its location now from where it used to be, like the one you see at the front page and the location page.

I made use of calling the photos and videos using the custom field feature of WordPress instead of embedding the photo all the time after uploading the photos and videos of the events. Because of the custom field feature of WordPress, I was able to call the photos and videos at random at the front page from the photos and videos pages. I don’t need to update the front page as well as the photos and videos pages. They will be updated automatically once I upload some photos or videos.

I also made use of the flash image uploader of WordPress. I used to embed the photos individually from a folder outside a WordPress installation. Now a days, I only upload the photos using the flash image uploader, and just changed the titles afterwards.

The filename of the photo is normally the title of the photo. With that, I needed to individually change the title of the photo. I do that because I don’t like to upload a photo with capital letters, without a dash nor underscore at the filename. I always like the filename in small letters but not when you’re looking at it in a page. If only, WordPress would be able to do something about changing the title at once only, unless I just don’t know. You can actually do that by accessing your database but that would be a hassle but that’s what I did anyway. 🙂

One more thing, every time I make a web design, I make sure that it’s XHTML and CSS valid. should have been but if you tried validating the front page and videos page of this site, you will see that they’re not XHTML valid. The reason for that is because of the embedded videos. The embed tag was not part of any standardized version of HTML so it produces an invalid markup. There’s a way to correct this but because the process is a little bit complicated I just opted not to do it. The other pages are valid anyway.

Update: I removed the videos at the front page.