I updated the site of Swiss Big Game Fishing few days ago regarding Swiss Salmo Perl “News” 2006. Today, I added some pictures of the Swiss Salmo Perl fishing baits. Swiss Big Game Fishing will be introducing new Swiss Salmo Perl products for the year 2006. It will have a some sort of an exhibit on the 24th of December 2005 at Vitznauerweg 17, Weggis, Switzerland from 8am to 5pm.
Swiss Big Game Fishing is a hobby site of Peter Hofmann. Swiss Salmo Perl became known as “Hofmann Loeffel” which was named after him. He is into big game fishing and if you visit his site, you will see that he is quite successful in it considering that it is just his hobby. He and his friends would travel to Kenya most of the time, and they could really catch sharks, as in big sharks. You can visit this particular page, Fangerfolge, if you would like to know what I mean.
If you are into fishing and living in Switzerland, well, why not visit his place and you’ll probably find something that you have been looking for. Swiss Big Game Fishing have a lot of products with regard to fishing like fishing rolls, fishing rods, fishing lines, fishing hooks and fishing tools, not only fishing baits. You’ll probably find more there aside from what I mentioned but that is all that I can remember.
Ok, till next time, have fun fishing… Have a wonderful day!